Sunday, December 7, 2008


After many failed attempts, I have finally made beautifully perfect cinnamon rolls!! I don't like to gloat, but I must pat myself on the back for this one. Thanks to My Kitchen Cafe for the recipe!! And now I have 24 cinnamon rolls to eat and a husband who is avoiding sweets...yikes!


Unknown said...
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Melanie said...

good job! looks delicious!! wish i was there to help you eat them.

Leah said...

Yummy! Those look fabulous! You'll have to share the recipe!

Stephanie Ryan said...

Looks tasty, Kristen. What's this I here about you guys having a raclette gismo. FYI, I bought raclette at Whole Foods once but it was the worst raclette I've ever had. One bite condemned the rest to the poubelle. Let me know if you ever find a good one.

The Thomas Family said...

I have never attempted to make cinnamon rolls. It seems too hard! Looks like you're eating them all yourself... oh and I'm sure little Max will help. I wish I could help!!!