Thursday, May 21, 2009

Grocery Shopping

A few Saturdays back we all went to the grocery store near us to pick up a few things for Sunday. We weren't in a hurry, so we let Max push one of the little "grocery shopper in training" carts. He was in HEAVEN! He quickly figured out he could grab stuff and put it in his cart so we ended up with a few extra things...cheetos, candy bars, soda, etc. Here is a cute little video. Oh and translation- "shishy" is gold fish crackers.


AngelaBeth said...

He's so dang cute!

Megan Holdaway said...

He belongs on Supermarket Sweep. Seriously! I love how high his voice is when he says "shishys". SO cute. And that Sadie girl, I love her.

Desi said...

I watched the video three times. I love Max so much! I also love the background music at the grocery store. :)