Thursday, April 3, 2008

4 Things....

Although I rarely post anything except photos of Max, Megan tagged me so I will post this about me:

4 Jobs:

01. House of Beef
02. a Jerry's girl
03. la boulangerie
04. Fatbottomline

4 Movies to Re-watch

01. waitress
02. the magic of ordinary days
03. pride and prejudice
04. arranged

4 Places I've lived

01. fresno, ca
02. geneva, switzerland
03. lafayette, indiana
04. oakdale, ca

4 TV Shows

01. dancing with the stars
02. the today show
03. the office
04. the hills

4 Places I've Been

01. paris
02. london
03. switzerland
04. evian

4 People Who I Talk to On the Phone (regularly)

01. little meggy
02. my mom-well not so much now that I am living with her :)
03. aaron
04. melanie

4 Favorite Foods

01. gummi candies
02. sweet, juicy, cold fruit
03. baked lays
04. good 'ol pb&j

4 Places I'd Rather Be Right Now

01. getting a pedicure
02. getting a prenatal massage
03. walking in geneva along the lake
04. eating on a cruise ship

4 Things I'm Looking Forward to this Year

01. aaron getting into the CHP
02. baby toby/sadie arriving
03. hanging out in the pool with Max
04. MEGAN COMING TO VISIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tag Melanie, Amanda and Sarah :)

1 comment:

MegANDustin said...

I love reading about you, even though I know you like the back of my hand. And all of those movies you listed should have been on my list. *Sigh* Just too many things to remember :)