Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just another week at the Keough house

Well...I didn't get the flu last weekend!! Hooray!! I had the flu the previous 2 weekends and it wiped me out! Thankfully I have a great sister and mom that live nearby and a wonderful husband who took care of everything at home. Aaron had the flu also during the week, but luckily Max and Sadie didn't catch it. Saturday was GORGEOUS and Aaron and I took Max on a bike ride (my mom watched Sadie). It was so much fun and we took trails I had never before been on around Clovis. I am really loving our bikes and can't wait until Sadie is big enough to sit in the trailer with Max. He gets a little bored sometimes back there and could use a friend! Other than that, nothing exciting to report...except that I am really sad about Gottschalks closing.

This is a typical morning shot from our house. Max takes off his shirt and a couch cushion and wants Sadie to sit next to him and they watch Cars for a few minutes together.
This was so cute (picture below). I was in making breakfast yesterday morning, and I when I came out Max had Sadie's 2 dolls, and had brought out 2 diapers and was trying to put them on the dolls. So precious!! I think it's great for boys to play with dolls!

Aaron and I started Weight Watchers Monday to get ready for the summer and our trip to Myrtle Beach. Sunday night Aaron wanted to go out with a bang so he made this massive plate of spaghetti, his favorite meal!
My mom got Sadie this outfit and it was so cute on her!! I love little sleeveless summer rompers.

I love this outfit on her too!!


Melanie said...

adorable outfits!!! So cute!! And what a plate of spaghetti. That is amazing.

Megan Holdaway said...

Just when I think they can't get any cuter... :) Sadie is getting so big! And beautiful. I love those last few pictures of her especially. And of course I always love Max. He is so cute putting diapers on the doll!

Kathleen said...

It's great that Max and Sadie get along so well. Looks like he's already a wonderful, protective brother. I agree with you about the dolls! Once little boys start to grow up, they'll ditch them anyway, so why not allow them to practice being a great daddy when they're so young and have them store up those nurturing skills for 25 years down the road?! Glad you and Aaron are feeling better. Sounds like your summer will be a blast!

Desi said...

I've been doing weight watchers for 1 1/2 years and I love it. If you want any advice, I have tons!!