Thursday, August 7, 2008

Friday Target and Slurpee Night

Over the past month we have created a new family tradition. After Aaron gets off work, Max and I meet up with him, or pick him up, and we all go to Target. We all get Slurpee's, which Max LOVES, we try hats on Max, which he is loving more and more each time, and we pick up a few items of necessity. It's quickly become the best tradition we've ever had. Some families have deep traditions or really meaningful traditions...not us, we revolve around Slurpee's and Target, and I can't think of anything better!!! :) Here are a few snap shots from this week's outing...we actually had to do it a night early because Aunt Megan and Uncle Dustin are coming in from Boston tomorrow and we don't want to miss a moment with them, and we don't want to miss Slurpee's and Target!!!


Melanie said...

He is such a doll! Oh, I'm talking about Max, by the way.

Leah said...

It's so fun starting your own traditions! That sounds like a fun one and one that you won't forget!

Megan Holdaway said...

Max might turn out to be the most shallow kid around, but who the heck cares with that face?!?!

P.S. I miss you guys!